Boise's own Trevor Powers a.k.a. Youth Lagoon has just signed with Fat Possum Records! With Fat Possum, Youth Lagoon will join the ranks of bands like The Black Keys, Band of Horses, WAVVES, Tennis, T.Rex, Unknown Mortal Orchestra, and YUCK just to name a few, so obviously this is a pretty big deal for YL. It is great to see someone from the Boise music scene getting some love and hopefully this will bring a little more attention to all the good stuff going on in The City of Trees. If you are one of the many people who have downloaded The C.O.T. Mixtape, then you know how much good local music we've got right now. In addition, YL's album "The Year of Hibernation," which has quickly become one of the more anticipated releases of the year is set to be released on Sept. 27. Can't wait to get our hands on that one. So far, only three tracks have been released (all exceptional), which has been enough to get YL a butt-load of good press from pretty much every indie music blog you would want to read. If you visit YL's Facebook page you will see wall post after wall post from fans from all around the world, begging YL to play a show in their city. Our hope is that Youth Lagoon gets sufficient love from it's own hometown.