Boise emcee Arthur Maddox has just released a new album called "White Rap," which he has put up on Bandcamp for FREE download. Download, share, and bump that ish people!
No doubt, you have seen or heard about the rapid rise to indie-rock success of Boise's Trevor Powers and his project Youth Lagoon. With the way the internet has impacted the music biz these days, word can travel pretty fast through the over-saturated market of music blogs (The C.O.T. included). This can be a great thing, as Youth Lagoon has shown, but through interviews and such, information can be misinterpreted and then spread around the web faster than the rumor-mill at North Jr. High. In this case, the belief that YL's debut album was recorded in Powers' bedroom, when in fact it was recorded at Kung Pow! by local producer/engineer Jeremy Park . Not to try and remove any of the mystique of the YL album as it was all written by Powers in his bedroom, but a lot of hard work was put in by Jeremy Park along with his good friend Powers to create such a solid album that has studio quality production while maintaining that raw bedroom sound. In light of all of this we thought we would share a little bit about Jeremy Park and his awesome skillz.
During the recording process of "The Year of Hibernation," Park decided to keep a journal of what took place, shedding a little more light on what goes into creating an album.
Next are some samples of projects Jeremy has been involved with from the production end. You may recognize those vocals from My Paper Camera and Your Friend Peter Giles. Hint, his name rhymes with Shmevor Shmowers:)
Here's a couple of hot new tracks from the City of Trees. The first is from Arthur Maddox featuring MCMD from the Dedicated Servers. The other is a remix of a Neon Indian song by Boise band Shades.
Last week we got Youth Lagoon, this week it's the new release from Boise singer/songwriter Colby Meade. You can listen to "Where the Grass is Greener" right here and purchase the whole 10 track album for a mere $4 on Bandcamp.